Countdown to OHANA:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

OHANA is a single ticket event. Your event ticket includes live music performances, vendors selling their fabulous wares, a silent auction of rare and fun items, sampling cocktails during the OHANA Room Crawl, being wowed by the Polynesian luau feast and show (that's right, we're going to feed you too). You'll also get one of our legendary swag bags and SO MUCH MORE!!!

The Thursday night kick-off party is included in your ticket price!!!

Registration instructions: Please provide a name, badge name, and email address for each attendee in your group. Mobile numbers are optional (see Terms). Click "Save Attendee" to add additional people to your registration. 

There is a maximum of four people per registration. Review your order and be sure you have selected ticket options for every person on your registration. 

Please send email to [email protected] for assistance.

  • Event tickets are sold out. But there's hope! Just in case there are some cancellations, you're welcome to get on our waiting list. If any slots become available, we'll let you know!

Email: Registrant email addresses will receive updates for this event and future events.

Mobile Numbers: If an optional mobile number is provided with a registration it will only be used to contact a registrant for the following reasons: to resolve a registration issue or waitlist request, to alert the registrant that they have merchandise or auction items to pick up at the event, and as an emergency contact number during the event.

Cancellation/Refund Policy: Thirty days or less before the event no refunds will be given for cancellations, as all headcounts will be final at that point and we cannot refund any portion of the ticket price.

Conduct: The event reserves the right to eject and ban any guest, without refund or recourse, for rude or disruptive behavior; harassment of guests, volunteers, or hotel staff; or illegal activities that may affect the safety and enjoyment of other attendees. Behavior that results in a ban by the host hotel will also result in being banned from the event. Attempts to purchase tickets by banned individuals will result in cancellation of the registration and a full refund.

Force Majeure: If the event must be cancelled because of events beyond our control attendees will receive a full refund of any tickets and related fees. If pre-paid merchandise cannot be delivered by other means any purchases will be fully refunded also. The event cannot be responsible for loses resulting from cancelled transportation or lodging.


OHANA is a charity event “It’s for the kids!” and to help the people of Rapa Nui even more, there is a 5% fee added to your order to cover the credit card processing and merchant fees.


RegFox Event Registration Software